Dari alam nyata ke alam maya...interaksi antara pensyarah Program Pelukis Pelan Senibina KKBD kini melangkaui satu dimensi baru untuk sama-sama membangun dan meningkatkan kualiti pengetahuan dan kemahiran sediaada..dikesempatan yang tercipta ini, marilah kita bersama untuk menyumbangkan pandangan agar kita beroleh manfaat untuk meneruskan perjuangan membina bangsa dan negara...demi anak-anak didik kita, korbankanlah sedikit masa untuk bersama berkongsi ilmu dan pengalaman dalam ruang tanpa sempadan ini...

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Kita sebagai manusia suka melihat keindahan dan kecantikan. Kita suka melihat pokok, bunga dan rumput yang cantik. Lebih-lebih lagi kita suka melihat pokok, bunga dan rumput yang tersusun sebagai sebahagian dari sebuah lanskap. Kita suka tengok, dan tentunya kita, kalau boleh, inginkan yang sama untuk kawasan kita. Tapi kita tak pernah buat sebelum ni! Jangan panik, ada beberapa prinsip-prinsip asas dalam merekacipta sebuah kawasan lanskap yang kita akan bincangkan di sini.

Rumput adalah sebahagian daripada unsur sebuah lanskap. Unsur-unsur lain termasuk lah pokok - samada pokok besar atau pokok renek – ukiran, pancutan air, jalan, jambatan dan sebagainya. Benda-benda hidup umumnya dipanggil softscape dan benda-benda hiasan 'keras' seperti ukiran, air pancut di panggil hardscape.

Ada beberapa cara untuk menyusun lanskap. Cara tradisional ialah dengan memilih tumbuhan-tumbuhan tertentu dan menyusunnya mengikut susunan tertentu. Sebenarnya terdapat tiga cara utama untuk melihat lanskap.

Jenis Tumbuhan Susunan dan Senireka Pemilihan Tumbuhan
Lanskap tradisional Penggunaan spesis tempatan dan mungkin spesis 'import' Susunan dalam bentuk formal dan informal. Tumbuhan dipilih semata-mata kerana ia cantik.
Lanskap secara semulajadi. Penggunaan spesis tempatan. Senireka meniru kawasan2 semulajadi dan menggalakkan hidupan liar tempatan. Tumbuhan dipilih kerana kecantikan DAN nilai semulajadi untuk memelihara integriti semulajadi kawasan.
Pemuliharaan Ekologi Penggunaan sepenuhnya spesis tempatan. Senireka di buat untuk menghidupkan semula komuniti semulajadi dan proses2 ekologi. Tumbuhan di pilih untuk memaksimakan struktur dan fungsi komuniti hidupan liar tempatan.

Saya tidak mencadangkan "Pemuliharaan Ekologi" untuk semua orang. Orang yang 'kurang rajin' akan membiarkan lalang dan rumput liar tumbuh dan memanggilnya 'spesis tempatan'.

Tetapi "Lanskap Semulajadi" boleh menjadi suatu kaedah yang berkesan untuk lanskap. Cara paling mudah ialah dengan membawa masuk (beli atau kutip tepi jalan) spesis pokok atau rumput yang biasa di lihat di kawasan anda. Tanam dan biar. Lepas tu, anda merumpai dengan mengeluarkan tumbuhan yang anda fikirkan tidak sesuai.

Saya pernah melakukan ini dengan tumbuhan seperti rumput Israel yang dianggap rumpai dan sejenis rumput yang tumbuh tinggi dan berbunga kuning. Saya tanam di pembahagi jalan di sebuah Kelab tempat saya bekerja dan hasilnya memuaskan! Ia sangat kos-efektif dan di masa yang sama rumput berbunga kuning itu menarik perhatian beberapa spesis burung!

Tentunya menggunakan Carpetgrass atau Phillipinegrass kurang sesuai di sini; mereka bukan spesis tempatan! Gunakan Cowgrass, Serangoon atau mungkin Pearlgrass.

Audubon International - sebuah pertubuhan alam sekitar - mendefinasikan tumbuhan tempatan atau asal (native) sebagai "Tumbuhan asal (native) berasal dan tumbuh secara semulajadi di satu kawasan atau habitat khusus".

Satu kelebihan menggunakan tumbuhan tempatan ialah - tumbuhan ini tahan kepada cuaca dan keadaan tanah tempatan.

Itu untuk pemilihan tumbuhan , berdasarkan kaedah lanskap tersebut, anda masih lagi patut untuk mematuhi beberapa prinsip senireka lanskap. Prinsip2 utama ialah;

  1. Keseragaman. Kekadang di sebut sebagai tema (Bali, Jepun, moden dsb) ataupun sekadar membuat pemilihan yang seragam tentang tumbuhan dari segi ketinggian, warna, bentuk, konsep dsb. Ia adalah tentang menyerlahkan satu idea utama tentang laman/taman anda.

  2. Keseimbangan (balance). Seimbang atau simetri di kedua belah laman, atau jalan contohnya. Ketinggian pokok yang seimbang. Dan bermacam-macam lagi contoh seimbang. Tetapi di masa yang sama, ketidakseimbangan adalah juga suatu prinsip lanskap. Contohnya bentuk flower bed yang 'free-form'. Atau bila kita mempunyai pokok renek yang anda tanam sebagai pagar hijau setinggi dua kaki, kita boleh mencelah-celahkan pada jarak tertentu (setiap 2 meter mungkin?) dengan pokok renek merah setinggi 3 kaki.

  3. Warna. Bila kita bercerita tentang lanskap, kebanyakkan orang akan berfikir tentang warna pokok atau bunga. Warna yang cerah seperti kuning, oren atau merah akan memberi pandangan seperti ia dekat dengan kita. Warna seperti hijau, biru dan pastel akan kelihatan seperti jauh dari kita. Jadi, jika kita ingin memberi pandangan bahawa laman kita besar, kita tanam bunga berwarna cerah dan terang di belakang dan yang berwarna kegelapan atau pekat ke hadapan. Tapi kalau laman rumah sebesar stem poskad, teknik ini mungkin kurang berjaya.

  4. Garisan. Kita boleh tanam sebaris pokok dalam garisan lurus ATAU berliku-liku. Kita nak buat flower-bed kita bentuk segiempat sama ke, trapezium ke atau pun bentuk hati ke, pundi kencing ke, apa ke...

  5. Saiz yang seimbang atau sekata (proportion). Ini prinsip yang mengatakan saiz semua tumbuhan, struktur dan lain2 elemen dalam suatu kawasan seharusnya sekata diantara satu sama lain. Tak cantik kalau di halaman rumah kita ada tugu gergasi kita dan kat kaki dia ada tiga spider lily - dari jenis dwarf...

  6. Ulangan. Terlalu banyak mengulang satu jenis tumbuhan, satu warna ataupun satu saiz akan menjadikan laman kita kurang menarik. Tetapi terlalu banyak jenis akan menjadikan ia nampak semak dan tidak terurus.

  7. Penyelenggaraan. Jangan korbankan praktik demi gaya. Jangan susun atau atur tumbuhan sehinggakan kita yang menjadi mangsa bila tiba masa untuk melakukan kerja-kerja penjagaan nanti. Contohnya, jangan jadikan tapak rumput pulau-pulau kecil ditengah pokok renek. Kita yang kena angkat mesin potong rumput tu dari pulau ke pulau. Atau pokok yang selalu kena pangkas kat tengah rimbunan pokok yang berduri... cerdik.

  8. Fikir ke hadapan. Jika kita tak mempunyai masa untuk melakukan kerja-kerja penjagaan, jangan pilih tumbuhan yang perlu banyak penjagaan. Daun banyak berguguran? Kita kena rajin menyapu; rumput padang golf? Kita kena rajin memotong; banyak pasu? Kena rajin tukar pasu nanti; dan sebagainya. Jadi lah realistik.

Ini semua prinsip yang boleh di jadikan garis panduan. Ia boleh digunakan di rumah atau pun di taman, padang (tepi lah jangan tengah padang) atau di keliling pejabat. Ia boleh di modify atau di terbalikkan. Pendek kata nya, macamana pun, tempat kita ikut suka hati kita sahajalah. Tapi tak ke best kalau satu hari nanti ada orang puji lanskap kita cantik, kita boleh beritahu dia (dengan menarik nafas boring macam pasal dah cerita beribu kali dah tapi dengan muka yang masih tenang dan sabar) prinsip2 yang kita gunakan atau ehem... yang kita suruh kontraktor gunakan.

Azam mendidik anak

KITA sering mendengar resolusi tahun baru kebanyakan orang adalah untuk berhenti merokok, lebihkan senaman atau mengubah tabiat pemakanan. Apa kata tahun ini anda mencari resolusi baru untuk menjadi ibu bapa yang lebih efektif?

Mungkinkah terdapat teknik mendidik anak yang perlu anda tukar? Ataupun terdapat tabiat anak anda yang perlu diubah?

Berikut adalah sesetengah resolusi mendidik anak yang mungkin boleh dipertimbangkan.

Jadikan contoh

Kebanyakan ibu bapa tidak sedar akan pengaruh mereka terhadap anak-anak.

Anak biasanya cenderung terpengaruh dengan tabiat merokok, pengamalan diet yang tidak sihat, tidak memakai topi keledar dan sebagainya jika salah seorang daripada ibu bapa mempunyai tabiat buruk.

Ibu bapa perlu menjadi model yang baik sama ada dari segi tingkah laku mahupun kaedah pengurusan emosi.........baca lagi

AutoCAD 2010 new features

AutoCAD 2010 is one of the most exciting releases in years. It offers new features across the board, so that almost everyone will find something valuable.

Initial setup

When you launch AutoCAD for the first time, you see a wizard that asks you some questions about how you use AutoCAD. The result is that AutoCAD sets itself up to better suit your needs. For example, if you indicate that you use AutoCAD for architecture, you'll get architectural units. You can change these settings at any time, of course.

Conclusion: Initial setup is useful for beginners, to help them with some basic setup options.

Menu Browser becomes Application Button and menu

In an update to the ribbon, the menu browser is gone. Instead, when you click the red A (now called the Application Button), the Application menu appears with only file-related commands.

Still need the menu? Set the MENUBAR system variable to 1 to get the old menu bar at the top. Remember that you can customize your user interface with the CUI command, so you can always add toolbars to the ribbon interface. Of course, you can customize the ribbon itself.

AutoCAD 2010 application menu

Conclusion: Some people will be upset about this, but setting MENUBAR to 1 is a simple solution.

Better PURGE

People have been writing AutoLISP routines for years to get rid of zero-length lines and empty text objects that occasionally populate a drawing and increase its size. Now the PURGE command does this for you.

purge in 2010

Conclusion: It's always nice when AutoCAD incorporates processes that everyone needs. Remember that these objects are invisible, so it's a good practice to purge them even if you don't think you have any.

Parametric constraints

The new parametric constraints come in two flavors:

  • Geometric constraints control the geometric relationships between objects, or between objects and the coordinate system. For example, you can force objects to be parallel, perpendicular, colinear, coincident, concentric, horizontal, vertical, and more. By using geometric constraints, you add intelligence to your drawing and reduce the possibility for errors. Moreover, when editing, as you modify one object, other objects change automatically to uphold the constraint.
  • Dimensional constraints control dimensions. You can add linear, aligned, radial, and diameter constraints. Then you can use the new Parameters Manager palette to change objects. For example, you can change the length of a line by changing its constraint value in the Parameters Manager. Even better, you can create equations that control relationships. If one line's linear parameter is named length1, you can set a second line to be 2*length1. Then, when you change the length of length1, the second line's length automatically changes. Two dimensional constraint types, annotational and dynamic, determine whether the constraints look like regular dimensions and are plotted, or not.

Conclusion: Parameters will change the way you draw in 2D. It will dramatically improve accuracy and save editing time. The use of parameters will become part of best practices for drawing in AutoCAD.

Dynamic block improvements

Parametric constraints also work in dynamic blocks. This feature substantially enhances the value of dynamic blocks. You add the constraints within the Block Editor. Also, you can now test dynamic blocks in the editor, so you don't have to close the editor, test the block, and return to make modifications.

Conclusion: Dynamic blocks, already very powerful, are now even more so. The ability to test them in the Block Editor is a welcome addition.

New REVERSE command

Sometimes you define a complex linetype and apply it to a line or polyline, then realize that it's backward. The REVERSE command lets you reverse the direction of lines, polylines, splines, and helixes.

Conclusion: In the right situation, this can be a time-saver.


The new MEASUREGEOM command combines measurements for distance, radius, angle, area, and volume into options of one command. The Area option can measure curved spaces.

Conclusion: I wanted the ID command here, too, but that didn't happen. The new command makes it easier to measure geometry, without having to remember so many separate commands.

Dimension enhancements

You can turn dimensions into dimensional constraints. You can edit the properties of individual multileader segments and use grips to resize leader text. MLeader styles give you more control over leader connections; for example, you can control vertical attachment. You can scale a block multileader and access text styles from within the Multileader Style dialog box. You can place dimension text below the dimension line. You can control how sub-units (such as inches if you're working in feet or millimeters if you're working in centimeters) display.

Conclusion: These are features that make creating dimensions and multileaders easier. Turning dimensions into constraints will be very useful.

Hatch improvements

Sometimes, you're trying to hatch what you think is a closed area, but get an error because the area is not really closed. It can be hard to find these gaps. Now, when the BHATCH command can't find a closed boundary, it shows you where the error is. The process of finding boundaries has been improved as well. Finally, you can grip-edit non-associative hatches to adjust them to new boundaries.

AutoCAD 2010 hatch boundary

Conclusion: Finding the location of gaps is a real frustration reducer. I didn't think that grip-editing of non-associative hatches was a big deal, but recently a blogger mentioned that this was one of his favorite new features.

Underlay and clipping improvements

You can now underlay PDF files. New commands, ADJUST, ATTACH, and CLIP, now let you work on any type of underlay.

Conclusion: The ability to underlay PDF is a big deal, because so many images are stored in that format. The new commands integrate how you deal with underlays.

3D printing

You can now output to STL format, the format used by 3D printers. If you're not familiar with 3D printing, prepare to be amazed. You can go to, Z Corporation's Web site, and click Watch Video - Introducing the ZPrinter 650, to see a marketing video of one 3D printer.

In addition, Autodesk has arranged relationships with two 3D printing service bureaus, so you can output your drawings to them. When the model is printed, the bureau ships it to you.

Conclusion: 3D printing is a sci-fi lover's dream; it's so futuristic. Yet it's been around for a few years. 3D printing is still pretty expensive, but it's very exciting. It reminds me of the Replicator on Star Trek!

PDF output

That's right, you can now output drawings as PDF files. You can even control certain features, like layer visibility.

Conclusion: This will make many users very happy. It's been a user request for years.

New mesh solids

Mesh solids are made up of tessellated files -- basically faces bounded by edges. Because you can individually move, scale, stretch, and rotate the faces, edges, and vertices, you can create organic models that are much more fluid and interesting than the smooth solids of previous releases. You can also smooth the models to round them. You can convert meshes to smooth solids and vice versa.

The source for mesh modeling is advanced modeling programs like 3D Studio Max and Maya.

Conclusion: Meshes are a major overhaul for 3D modeling and make AutoCAD a much more capable modeler.

Sheet set enhancements

You can create a sheet list table for subsets and individual sheets. It's easier to specify which sheets are or are not published.

Conclusion: Again, I thought these features were minor, but sheet set users are very happy about them.

Custom contextual ribbon tab states

You can create ribbon tab states that control the display of tabs and panels based on the active command or the type of object selected. Even without customization, some ribbon tabs are contextual. For example, if you select a bitmap (raster) image, an Image tab appears with tools related to editing images.

AutoCAD 2010 contextual tabs

Conclusion: The contextual tabs make the ribbon more user-friendly.

Easier 3D editing

AutoCAD has a new 3D Scale tool, called a gizmo. There are now 3 gizmos: Move, Rotate, and Scale. The Move gizmo has longer axes. You can easily switch among the gizmos and choose which appears when you click on an editable object. New sub-object filters make it easier to select faces, edges, and vertices. You can use the UNION, SUBTRACT, and INTERFERE commands on surfaces. REVSURF, EDGESURF, TABSURF, and RULESURF create meshes by default, rather than the older smooth surfaces and solids.

Conclusion: Put together, these changes make 3D editing much easier.

Minor new features

There are many minor new features. Here are some of them. Maybe one is a big deal for you:

  • The Action Recorder has been enhanced with a new Action Macro Manager and the ability to create base points at specific locations in a macro
  • The Quick Access toolbar's right-click menu lets you more easily customize that toolbar
  • AutoCAD 2010 uses a new file format. If you work with more than one release or collaborate with others, this can be an issue.
  • When a drawing is opened with an unresolved xref, AutoCAD tries to find the missing file
  • When you find and replace text, there's a Zoom button to zoom in to the text object.
  • Multi-line objects can now be 256K, up from 32K.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Ada cerita menarik tak hari ni??? dengar-dengar, pandang-pandang...macam ada berita menarik?? tak boleh ke kongsi dalam blog semua orang kongsi cerita yang sama. amacam dengan student2 kita? ada yang buat masalah tak? ada cerita menarik tentang student tak? klau ada...kongsi le kat sini....ok


A drawing board (also drawing table, drafting table or architect's table) is, in its antique form, a kind of multipurpose desk which can be used for any kind of drawing, writing or impromptu sketching on a large sheet of paper or for reading a large format book or other oversized document or for drafting precise technical illustrations. The drawing table used to be a frequent companion to a pedestal desk in a gentleman's study or private library, during the preindustrial and early industrial era.

During the Industrial Revolution draftsmanship gradually became a specialized trade and drawing tables slowly moved out of the libraries and offices of most gentlemen. They became more utilitarian and were built of steel and plastic instead of fine woods and brass.

More recently engineers and draftsmen use the drawing board for making and modifying drawings on paper with ink or pencil. Different drawing instruments (set square, protractor, etc.) are used on it to draw parallel, perpendicular or oblique lines. There are instruments for drawing circles, arcs, other curves and symbols too (compass, French curve, stencil, etc). However, with the gradual introduction of computer aided drafting and design (CADD or CAD) in the last decades of the 20th century and the first of the 21st century, the drawing board is becoming less common.

A drawing table is also sometimes called a mechanical desk because, for several centuries, most mechanical desks were drawing tables. Unlike the gadgety mechanical desks of the second part of the 18th century, however, the mechanical parts of drawing tables were usually limited to notches, ratchets, and perhaps a few simple gears, or levers or cogs to elevate and incline the working surface.

Very often a drawing table could look like a writing table or even a pedestal desk when the working surface was set at the horizontal and the height adjusted to 29 inches, in order to use it as a "normal" desk. The only give-away was usually a lip on one of the sides of the desktop. This lip or edge stopped paper or books from sliding when the surface was given an angle. It was also sometimes used to hold writing implements. When the working surface was extended at its full height, a drawing table could be used as a standing desk.

Many reproductions have been made and are still being produced of drawing tables, copying the period styles they were originally made in during the 18th and 19th centuries.